5 Ways To Give
Place your envelope in the offering bag as it is passed around. You may also drop off your envelope to the church office during our regular office hours.
Who carries cash anymore?? If you’re one of these people you can conveniently give your tithes using our debit machine located in the lobby.
pre-authorized remittance can be set-up to have your tithe debited from your account and sent to Essex Gospel monthly. For all who are interested, please contact the church office for your PAR form.
Credit Union Payee
You can now select EGCC as a payee on your online bill payment account. Right now, we only have this option for Credit Unions in the area - WFCU and Libro. There is no memo line and you will only be able to donate to the General Fund. If you wish to donate for other items – Missions, special etc., you would need to do that at the church with an envelope. For these credit union donations, your church envelope number is the account number to be used.
E-transfers are set up from your credit union or bank online account. E-transfers need to be sent to the church donations account which is donations@essexgospel.com. You will need to provide a password for security purposes, and you can use the memo section to designate your giving (General, Missions, Special) and please note your church envelope number. Once the donation is accepted by church staff, you should get an email notice.